ABOUT WAS FINALA. Now the danger is not only hand punches and foot kicks, but has developed in rhyth...
ABOUT WAS FINALA. Now the danger is not only hand punches and foot kicks, but has developed in rhythm with the development of modernization and industry, therefore Martial Arts that touch the physical and kebatinan or spiritual power is a requirement of life.B. A lesson in the past reads "Practice your archery & horseback riding to be able to uphold the truth in the midst of injustice".C. A healthy body has a healthy spirit.From this understanding of A, B and C, learning martial arts for the purpose of "HEALTH" is able to develop the legal martial arts power of "MANDATORY" and developing the martial arts "WS PAMUNGKAS" is a form of worship.THE FINAL MEANING OF REVELATIONThe word True Revelation does not mean the Word of God, but comes from three syllables.REVELATION = Unity of knowledgeTRUE = Actually, actually or EssenceFINAL = Last.So the Ultimate True Revelation is a unit of knowledge that uncovers the mysteries and facts to find something that is real or the ultimate essence. With the revelation of the mystery with science, then everything "Oscenity becomes clear". Why there are supernatural powers, hypnotism, mysticism, magic, weapon resistance, fire resistance, ranged blows, etc., will be discussed clearly with reason and logic."WORDS REASONABLE ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO REASON THE SCIENCE UP"Thus learning WS Pamungkas will avoid the risk of studying for years and never arriving. Because at a certain stage all the mysteries that make no sense are exposed clearly and lucidly even to do so.WAS PAMUNGKAS IS NOT A FLOW OF BELIEFS, RELIGIOUS OR POLITICALAs a unity of martial arts and health, the Core Breathing of True Wahyu can be studied by anyone and for any religion, because True Revelation is not a belief, religion & politics.WS PAMUNGKAS BASED ON PANCASILA AND THE 1945 ConstitutionAs a social organization that engages in sports, breathing and mental exercise, WS Pamungkas is legally included in the AD/ART WS Pamungkas which is fostered by the Police and the Military with Legal Entities Institution No: 01/09/11/2009 TPN:33/ 2009/PN.SKH.SOURCE OF SCIENCE WAS PAMUNGKAS"GOD IS THE RIGHT TO ALL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER"is a lafadz that underlies the excavation of strength, whether it is used for health, healing and clearing the mind. The development of charisma, authority and the function of martial arts magic, so that it can deepen or strengthen faith & monotheism for those who study it.WAS THE ULTIMATE AS A “CORE” Martial ArtsAs a core martial art, WS Pamungkas (WSP) has its own methods of practice that are different from most other martial arts in general, because it is in accordance with its form of practice which is called: Core Breathing, because with Core Breathing all levels are very quickly achieved, if through breathing- Ordinary non-core breathing takes years. Here the self-defense reflexes that are buried deep within are awakened with Generator I – Generator IX channeled for abstract and physical attack power with distribution moves, defense, etc.WAS THE ULTIMATE AS INSPIRE ARTSMartial arts WS Pamungkas learns the inner martial arts to influence the enemy to submit and respect. Without physical conflict or fights in the Javanese language "Win without ngasorake" the knowledge of influencing the enemy is summarized in the martial art of WS Pamungkas.